The system is built from two main parts:
- Interface 2W – Communicates with the controller / UNILINER unit on side and with the 2W RTUs on the other side.
- 2W RTU – The 2W RTU (Remote terminal unit) is basically a small simple controller that performs whatever the INT 2W tells it to.
Each 2W RTU is capable of:
- Controlling:
- Pumps
- Valves
- Fertilizer injectors
- Filters
- Monitoring:
- Water meters
- Fertilizer meters
- Water floats (Reservoirs and tanks)
- Pressure sensor
- Differential pressure sensor
- Analog sensor – Temperature, humidity, tensiometers, radiation, CO2, water level and ect..
The maximum range between the controller and the furthest RTU is 10 km. Which means a single 2W INT can control & monitor elements in a 10km radius! Each INT 2W is capable of communicating with up to 60 2W RTUs. The communication with all the RTUs is done every second. The 2W cable type should be NYY or XLP (Direct burial type), and each wire diameter should be 1.5 mm^2.
The energy to the RTU 2W is supplied by the same cable using the same 2 wires! Therefore on additional energy is needed. The outputs can control 12V DC latch solenoids.
There are several RTU 2W models:
- RTU 2W ECO – An economic non modular solution, to be used where devices in the field are far away one from another and future expansion in not likely.
- 1 Output / 1 Input
- 1 Output / Temperature & Humidity sensors
- 2 Outputs / 2 Inputs
- 2 Outputs / Temperature & Humidity sensors
- RTU 2W ECO MOLDED - An economic non modular solution, to be used where units are installed submerged (In a valve box) and IP 68 is required:
- 1 Output / 1 Input
- 2 Outputs / 2 Inputs
- RTU 2W ECO TS - An economic non modular solution, to be used where devices in the field are far away and analog sensor reading is required:
- 2 Outputs / 2 Analog inputs
- RTU 2W MODULAR – A modular solution, to be used where devices are grouped together or a future expansion is possible.
- 2/4/6/8 outputs
- 0/4/8 digital input
- 0/2/4 analog inputs (4-20mA/ 0-5V, require external energy)
Programing is done easily by using the Dipswitches (Besides the MOLDED unit which requires a connection to a PC / Laptop) Each RTU includes an embedded robust lightning protection and therefore no external lightning protection is needed to protect them.